Saturday, 12 October 2013

Weekly Update:

Before I forget, anyone looking for GREAT fun revision site should check this out!

Grade 5:

I am VERY impressed with grade 5, this week they were given the challenge of presenting a small dram piece with focus on ALIBIS and DISTRACTIONS. The idea was to act out a TV news report, having a mystery and interviewed suspect allowing the audience to act as the detectives. The class were great from start to finish and the ideas were excellent.

Grade 6:

We began to week by reading further in Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, finally meeting Dragon and Jeremy face to face!
In literacy we worked on completing our work on CAUSE and EFFECT. The class examined facts on forest fires and floods, broke them down using graphic organizers and composed a paragraph on the topic. 
On Thursday we focused on revising and furthering our knowledge of capital letters, played bingo and worked through a pirate story; correcting the mistakes. 

Grade 7:

Our first topic of the week was PERSUASIVE writing. We examined the factors used to create this style, identified them in text and discussed the reasons for their inclusion. Our convention lesson this week involved looking at  the more irregular uses of capital letters and those rules that are often overlooked or forgotten. 

Grade 8:

After completing the work on PARABLES we explored plurals and the rules we can apply.

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