Grade 5:
Language Arts:
We started the week off by solving an interesting logic puzzle before moving on with our mystery drama piece. The class are planning a news broadcast in which they must provide the audience with just enough clues and distractions as they interview 3 possible suspects.
During communication skills we looked at common and proper noun use using card sorts in a race against the clock!
We finished off the week with our novel study 'Coraline'; our attention this week turned to the authors use of adjectives when describing a setting.
Grade 5 are currently experimenting with the next formal element, Colour. This extended to the use of water colours.
Grade 6:
Language Arts:
Oddly enough we explored cause and effect by playing the game 'Chicken Pox and Blobby'; this extended to discussing the variety of ways we can plan our own cause and effect piece; VENN Diagrams, Graphic Organizers and mind-mapping.
On Thursday the class looked at the topic of collective noun use and we completed the week with our novel study, looking at Mr Ages and what makes him an ENIGMA?
We are completing our Op-Art pieces in 2d and next week begin to look at 3d pieces.
With our focus on the concept of narrative grade 6 have been focusing on story openers.
Grade 7:
Language Arts:
Developing from our earlier work on composition we looked in greater detail how to develop ideas for longer written pieces. Later in the week we turned our attention to singular and plural noun spelling, focusing on the main rules we can apply. In our final lesson of the week I was especially impressed with the class as they completed an empathetic lesson surrounding what items they would have packed if in the same situation Anne Frank found herself in.
Grade 8:
We have two lessons left on our parables and in order to help improve, during communication skills we looked back at subject and predicate and how we can vary to placement in our sentences.
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