Monday 13 January 2014

Well what a good week back!

Heres just a taste of what we have been up to......

So we had a few minor slips in homework, the sooner we get back in to our good habits the better!

In literacy we began our new unit, 'ANCIENT EGYPT' in which we explored our skills of PREDICTION after completing a review of what we learnt during our unit on ROMAN LIFE. On Wednesday we began looking in to how the Egyptian empire developed and the importance of the RIVER NILE. 

Later in the week we moved on to exploring TOPIC SENTENCES in order to develop our paragraph writing. 

Finally on Friday grade 5 began watching CORALINE after finishing reading the novel. 

Grade 6:

Grade 6 hit the ground running on Monday by exploring NARRATIVE and FUNCTIONAL writing styles, identifying the similarities and differences between both. 

This developed in to exploring NARRATIVE STRUCTURE and identifying the key stages in NARRATIVE TEXT.

As the week progressed we began to look at POETRY, listening to and reading a variety of styles and talking about early observations. 

During our communication skills lesson our focus turned to ADDING DETAILS; exploring the topic of SHARKS we worked on introducing a topic and the importance of backing this up with related facts. We ended the week by catching up on the excellent story of MRS FRISBY AND THE SECRET OF NIMH.

Grade 7:

Grade 7 have been given a particularly difficult task, to write, illustrate and present a complete FABLE to grade 2 students.  This will not only carry marks for the writing element but also the verbal presentation part. 

We began to revise on Thursday for the up coming quiz in communication skills, specifically looking at VERB TENSES and HELPING VERBS.

Grade 8:

I have been very impressed with grade 8 recently; looking difficult subjects such as how text techniques communicate meaning and enhancing of these through both sound and speech the group explored a short transcript by the daughter of LUCILLE TEASDALE.

Further in the week we began to look at FOLKTALES, examining  the text by using new and prior knowledge/experiences. 
On Thursday we revised SIMPLE and COMPOUND sentences; completing the week by reading LORD OF THE FLIES as a group once more.


In Art Grade 5 began printing with their relief blocks.

The 6's worked on finishing their fantastic OP-ART oil pastel pieces.

Grade 7 and 8 and their 3D junk food.........


All our Aviation work and cooking option, Im tired just remembering it all!

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