Sunday, 8 December 2013

Weekly Update

Morning folks!

Just a quick update, busy couple of weeks done and nearly Christmas!

A few things to remember:

Spelling Quiz for grade 5.6 and 7 tomorrow

Roman shield Designs due from grade 5 also in the morning.

Grade 5:

MUCH better in spelling revision and independent reading books! In Literacy we have moved on to look at ROMAN TACTICS and formations; this will work on the our verbal skills and group interaction as we prepare for ROMAN DODGEBALL!

During our lessons on conventions our focus has been CAPITAL LETTERS, identify the rules and apply them in our own writing. 

Finally in CORALINE we read through chapter 10 and discussed the concept of FAIRY TALES; focusing on underlining themes, characters and settings that consistently appear even in modern storytelling. 

Grade 6:

VERY impressed as usual, keeping the hard work going till the end of Christmas term is hard and although they are excited ALL the grade 6 understand how important their studies are and had kept focused. 

We began the week in usual fashion with spelling, creative writing and independent reading. Moving on in literacy we delved deeper in to the SCIENCE FICTION genre; discussing the 4 factors that all stories within this share:


This was based around the short story by ISAAC ASIMOV 'The Fun they had'

Later in the week we turned our attention to VERBS with the key objective to BANISH BORING WORDS! This linked with our lessons on narrative, characterization and describing a scene by using all of our senses.

Grade 7: 

The class have been given the difficult task  to write, illustrate and ultimately perform a FABLE to a group of grade 2 students!

This has encompassed dissussion surrounding AUDIENCE AND PURPOSE, LANGUAGE CHOICE and the use of ILLUSTRATIONS as a literary tool.

We also revised SUBJECT AND PREDICATE as a method of improving our sentence structure across curriculum subjects. 

Grade 8:

This week in literacy we finally filmed and presented our MONOLOGUES for marking, those that did not have a responsibility to do so before the Christmas break

We reviewed FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE and its use, linking this to our study of THE LORD OF THE FLIES. 

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