Sunday, 3 November 2013

I will have to keep this short and sweet this week guys as I am grading work all weekend as reports are fast approaching!

Grade 5:

We have reached chapter 3 of the 'Garage sale mystery', finding some interesting tricks a writer can use such as leading you towards one possible suspect with clues but they then reveal more clues to take you off in another direction!
Our own chapters 1-3 should be well underway after we started talking about using a 'story mountain' as the structure for our own work. Later in the week we explored how writers build TENSION in their on writing by focusing on the use of the 5 senses and our feelings. 

I set the homework to read up to chapter 9 in CORALINE over the next 2 weeks.

The AVIATION EXPO is getting closer, I am really impressed with the hard work and the ideas, remember guys NOT to rely just on me for materials and equipment, I will do what I can but there is one of me and 4 grades of you!

Grade 6

We also looked at TENSION this week as it may really help us in the upcoming PATS. During literacy we continued to explore the ideas of IMPLIED and OVERT messages within advertisments. We focused on three examples and began to break them in to what we can SEE and what it makes us THINK and FEEL.

Grade 7:

We discussed as a group this week how writers follow similar structure in most forms of writing, the alterations come from AUDIENCE and PURPOSE. I also introduced the ZORK challenge to the group. 
After attempting to sketch the secret annex in ANNE FRANK the group have been issued a long answer question which forms the basis of a piece of homework. 

Grade 8:

Looking at 'Im a Canadian' and 'Blame' monologues the group have been given the task of choosing a topic from any global concern and converting this in to a 60 second monologue of their own. To be accompanied by a visual of their own choice. 
Later in the week we delved deeper in to the LORD OF THE FLIES by focusing on the concept of SYMBOLISM, we spent some time dissecting a single scene form HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS; discussing how the director uses hundreds of simple SYMBOLIC items, gestures, sounds and words to control how we feel when watching the film.

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