Sunday 9 February 2014

Just a quick update guys........

So the Olympics were AMAZING! Congratulations to to 'Youngs Yaks' for wining by one point! 'Johnsons Jellyfish' were outstanding from start to finish and I was very proud of grade 5-8's effort and attitude. Special mention to Kailen for her goal in hockey and Tori for her hard work in defence!

This week is only a three day week but will still be busy I am sure, keep focused and on top of all your work so that you can go away and enjoy your 5 day weekend.

Grade 5:

All grades have been using the creative writing period to enter a competition:

Grade 5 used Tuesday and Wednesday to make their props for their MUMMIFICATION drama piece to be filmed this week. Moving on to VIVID VERB USE on Thursday morning. 

Grade 6:

Working as hard as ever the Grade 6 have also worked on entries to the above competition. We also continued to explore FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE and its uses.  During our literacy lesson we examined the short script for the one act play "THEY'RE MADE OUT OF MEAT' and began to prepare our own ideas for a short role-play exercise.  

Grade 7:

During our mid-week lessons we really stretched our higher level thinking skills by examining the social, political and ethical meanings behind comic book characters as we explored the question of whether or not comics are simply entertainment.

Grade 8:

We completed watching the 1990 version of 'The Lord of the Flies' this week in order to draw comparisons with the novel. Before this we have been looking in to the use of visual literacy as a means of implied advertising. Looking at pieces by the WWF we discussed visual/text and colour relationships. 

Sunday 26 January 2014

Weekly Overview:

Apologies for not quite keeping up with the blog guys! lots of grading to do  and planning for lessons!

Grade 5:

After Mondays spelling words and creative writing grade 5 moved on in their literacy studies while exploring MUMMIFICATION! After researching HOW it happened each group is going to produce their own 'Horrible Histories' episode to be filmed. The lesson objective surrounded the concept of storyboards, their uses and advantages.
During Thursdays lesson we moved on to looking at PARAGRAPH construction, extending on last weeks lesson involving explaining with details. We developed our knowledge by using the 'Burger' method! and used this to complete a paragraph about a particular dinosaur. 
Finally on Friday the class were in the computer room developing the first stages of our CORALINE novel study, looking at elements of a study and CHARACTER ANALYSIS. 

Grade 6:

Starting the week with our normal spelling words, that afternoon we started our first attempts at timed NARRATIVE pieces inspired by a single illustration. 
Later in the week we began looking at different forms  of POETRY. To date we have looked at LIMERICKS and HAIKUs as well as SHAPE poems. 

During our literacy lessons we examined two short poems including:


All the water traders
who trade in outer space
talk of a distant planet-
a magical, mystical place
that has seas and seas full of water,
sweet water beyond all worth.
They say that planet is green in the sun
and the name of that planet is Earth.

And the people there drink the water,
they dive and swim in it too.
It falls from the sky in water storms
and it comes in the morning as dew.
That sweet, sweet water is everywhere-
Sweet water! Sweet water of Earth!
And traders say that the people there
have no idea what it's worth.

So, the traders have their earth dreams.
They dream of one silver cup
brought across space from the earthlings
for millions to drink it up.
'Sweet water! Sweet water Sweet water of Earth!
The people there trade it for gold!
They've no idea what water's worth-
just look how much they've sold!'

They dream the dream of a water storm-
surely it would drive you mad
to have a wind-full of water flung in your face,
to sail in it like Sinbad!
Yes, they say there are whole oceans there
where waves break on the shore,
where winds leave water singing
and the sunlight makes it roar!

They say that those who live there
just don't know its true worth.
They say that planet is green in the sun
and the people there call it Earth.

On Thursday we began revising for next weeks skills review. 
Finally on Friday we finished watching 'The Secret of Nimh'

Grade 7:

With our FABLES completed and reading to go the grade 7 class began to prepare from reading them to the younger grades this coming week. We discussed delivery method, body language, voice intonation etc and looked at some examples of delivery:

During Thursdays lesson the group completed a review quiz of the convention lessons we have been working on (These were sent home to get signed) and completed the week by watching some more of the BBC's excellent dramatized version of 'Anne Frank, Diary of a Young Girl'

Grade 8:

The class have recently been looking in to FOLKTALES and how these differ from other forms of storytelling. In this exploration we have looked at differing tale from differing locations and time eras in order to exam the 'roots' of this particular genre. This included:



'The 3 Ravens'

On Thursday we revised the three main types of CONJUNCTIONS with a view to the up-coming review quiz.

We finished off with watching the start of the 1990 version of the 'Lords of the Flies'

Monday 13 January 2014

Well what a good week back!

Heres just a taste of what we have been up to......

So we had a few minor slips in homework, the sooner we get back in to our good habits the better!

In literacy we began our new unit, 'ANCIENT EGYPT' in which we explored our skills of PREDICTION after completing a review of what we learnt during our unit on ROMAN LIFE. On Wednesday we began looking in to how the Egyptian empire developed and the importance of the RIVER NILE. 

Later in the week we moved on to exploring TOPIC SENTENCES in order to develop our paragraph writing. 

Finally on Friday grade 5 began watching CORALINE after finishing reading the novel. 

Grade 6:

Grade 6 hit the ground running on Monday by exploring NARRATIVE and FUNCTIONAL writing styles, identifying the similarities and differences between both. 

This developed in to exploring NARRATIVE STRUCTURE and identifying the key stages in NARRATIVE TEXT.

As the week progressed we began to look at POETRY, listening to and reading a variety of styles and talking about early observations. 

During our communication skills lesson our focus turned to ADDING DETAILS; exploring the topic of SHARKS we worked on introducing a topic and the importance of backing this up with related facts. We ended the week by catching up on the excellent story of MRS FRISBY AND THE SECRET OF NIMH.

Grade 7:

Grade 7 have been given a particularly difficult task, to write, illustrate and present a complete FABLE to grade 2 students.  This will not only carry marks for the writing element but also the verbal presentation part. 

We began to revise on Thursday for the up coming quiz in communication skills, specifically looking at VERB TENSES and HELPING VERBS.

Grade 8:

I have been very impressed with grade 8 recently; looking difficult subjects such as how text techniques communicate meaning and enhancing of these through both sound and speech the group explored a short transcript by the daughter of LUCILLE TEASDALE.

Further in the week we began to look at FOLKTALES, examining  the text by using new and prior knowledge/experiences. 
On Thursday we revised SIMPLE and COMPOUND sentences; completing the week by reading LORD OF THE FLIES as a group once more.


In Art Grade 5 began printing with their relief blocks.

The 6's worked on finishing their fantastic OP-ART oil pastel pieces.

Grade 7 and 8 and their 3D junk food.........


All our Aviation work and cooking option, Im tired just remembering it all!

Sunday 5 January 2014

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all had a great Christmas and a lovely two weeks off!

Back to school tomorrow guys (BOOOOOO, HISSS!) Please make sure you have all you books and equipment for a normal Monday as we will be getting right back down to business!

In terms of LA, its Monday so you will need:


Also have your GYM KIT and anything else needed in your lockers.

I know that some of you have received some great presents but PLEASE leave these at home guys, every year in every school someone goes home upset on the first day  after bringing something in that ends up damaged or lost. 


Mr Johnson